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5 Ways to Make Progress While Off The Jiu-Jitsu Mats

Right now most of us aren’t training. The global pandemic has sidelined the world. And as much as we want to get back on the mats our time at home doesn’t have to be a total waste. There are a ton of home workouts circulating right now, but your options for progress dont end there.

It also looks like things are clearing up in most parts of the country. So if you haven’t been staying on it during this entire lockdown, now is the time to get your mind and body back into fighting shape.

Here are 5 things you can do to make progress before we return to jiu-jitsu.


We’ll start with the obvious one, exercise. It doesn’t matter if you have access to a full gym right now or not, there are plenty of bodyweight options to keep your body in shape. Even just sticking with a regular running schedule is enough to keep your heart and lungs in shape while off the mat. Simple exercises like air squats, push ups, pull ups, planks, and glute bridges will hit all of the major muscle groups and help maintain muscle mass. Aim for 5 sets of 20-40 reps each.


Almost every grappler I know can benefit from being a little more flexible. Being more flexible will help prevent injuries, help you more easily endure some of those awkward positions you find yourself in, and open up options on the mat that you may have not previously had. Add some foam rolling and mobility drills like the ones from the e-book “Top 5 Mobility Moves for BJJ” and you’ll be on your way back to being mat ready. Commit to 10 mins of stretching / mobility work a day.


No matter what level you’re at you can always learn something by watching other people compete. In fact, most high-level competitors make tape study part of their routine. Understanding like finer details of jiu-jitsu like grip exchanges, clock management, and tempo/pacing can dramatically improve your effectiveness on the mat. Obviously, studying instructional videos and techniques will also improve your jiu-jitsu knowledge. There are a ton of free matches to watch on YouTube and plenty of technique websites now to make your head spin. Watch jiu-jitsu every day.


Mental training is one of the most overlooked aspects of combat sports. Having a strong, sharp mind will help you stay focused in the heat of battle. The benefits of mediation include reduced stress, improved focus, improved sleep and recovery, strengthened immune system, reduced anxiety and fear, and improved memory and learning. With all of those benefits it makes a lot of sense to start meditating asap. Shoot for 10 mins a day, building up to 20 over a few weeks.


If you’ve gotten a little loose with your eating habits over the last few weeks, now is the time to bring them back in line. Cut the junk food, limit your sugar consumption, decrease your alcohol intake, and focus on getting in more vegetables every day. Experiment with intermittent fasting, drink plenty of water, and aim to eat nutrient dense meals. A clean diet will do wonders for weight management, mood levels, sports performance, and improved immunity.

If you follow this blog chances are you already do some of these things, but it doesn’t hurt to get a reminder or push, especially right now when you’ve been off the mats for a while. Adding these 5 things to your routine will make for a much smoother transition back to the mats when the time comes.

For more ideas on ways to improve off the mats, click here.


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