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Are You Actually Making Progress? Ensuring Results For BJJ Performance

Every week I write about high-value methods to fortify your body for BJJ, and ultimately, life.

But even with all the right tools, exercises, and programming, you won’t know what’s working if you’re not tracking anything.

This week I’m writing about the most important aspect of any training routine…results.

I recently wrote about 4 rules to evaluate a training method when you’re considering adding something new. One of them is, does it deliver results?

Without results, a training method is simply a hobby, which can be fine in itself. Some of us just like to move without considering any measurable effects.

But, if you have goals, which you should, it’s important to measure your progress.

After all, it’s about order and progress, or consistent self-improvement as the result of discipline and consistency.

So how do we ensure progress?

What Do You Measure?

The first step is to pick something to measure over time. There’s an old saying, “you can manage what you don’t measure.”

Meaning, you can’t make smart decisions about something if you don’t have anything to compare.

The easiest things to measure are reps, weights, and times. Can you do more reps of an exercise with perfect form? Can you lift more weight with perfect form? Can you cover a distance faster?

Pick one thing, ideally something related to your goal, and measure it.

You don’t necessarily need to know your max reps or weight for a given exercise either. You can simply start with a challenging number, write it down, then work toward increasing that number over time.

For example, if your goal is to improve rotational strength, start with a 20lb club and complete 4 rounds of 8 reps of 4 exercises with 30 seconds of rest between each.

Every two weeks add two reps to each set.

After 6 weeks you’ll be doing almost twice as much work in the same amount of time, and ready to move up to a 25lb club. This is measured results.

In fact, we included a tracking sheet with every Wildman x Order & Progress program to easily track and measure your progress.

How Often To Measure?

Everyone knows the best results take time. But most people quit or hop to another program before the results can set in.

The body is resistant to change, but with consistent input, it will respond over time.

Different training goals require different timelines for results. Muscle gain might happen quicker than weight loss. Strength might take longer than cardio improvements.

Either way, a common period for measurable adaptations is 6 weeks. Give yourself at least this much time when measuring a new training goal, however, it could take twice as long to generate substantial results.

The best programs are multi-year plans with micro and macro cycles.

The most important thing is to have a measurable goal to track, with enough time to yield adaptations.

Final Thoughts

Without tracking anything you might just be spinning your wheels and not actually making true progress.

Another factor to consider is the net effect of a training method on your overall health and fitness. If you have committed to 12 weeks of dedicated strength training, but neglect your conditioning or mobility work, have you actually made progress?

You may be stronger after the 12 weeks, but your movement quality has decreased, along with your work capacity.

Or, you’re in pain all the time.

In all, I’d call that a net loss when it comes to BJJ performance or overall fitness.

I recommend finding a proven plan that can deliver multiple qualities at once, sticking with it, and tracking your results over time.

If nothing else, just track something for the next 6 weeks and see if you’re actually making progress.

Plus, tracking something will do just that…keep you on track.


1. Start improving your BJJ durability and performance with the new Foundations of Rotational Strength.

2. Fortify your body for BJJ with this free course on the Grappler’s Get Up.

3. Apply for 1-on-1 coaching here.

4. Join the free weekly newsletter here.

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