Mark Wildman is a celebrity trainer who works mainly with action heroes who perform stunts and fight scenes. He has developed a system of training to help actors look amazing for their role but also to withstand the demands of stunt work and long grueling days on set.
Mark is also a life long martial artist and has practiced many different styles including jiu-jitsu, kung fu, and weapons training. He specializes in minimalist equipment like clubbells, kettlebells, and maces, that make maximum impact for his clients and followers.
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In This Episode We Discuss:
1. Why he mainly uses clubbells with actors, martial artists, and everyday people.
2. How training actors and stunt performers translates to martial arts and jiu-jitsu.
3. The importance of rotational strength for performance and injury prevention.
4. What qualities are most important for grapplers.
6. Supplements for grapplers and martial artists.
7. How to incorporate mobility training without making it a chore or boring.
8. How he stays injury free into his 40’s.
Take Action
- Subscribe to Mark Wildman’s YouTube channel here.
- Check out his website programs on Strong & Fit here.
- If you want to start working on injury prevention now click here.
- Put what you learned into action! Start training rotational strength with a med ball, clubbell, or mace!