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5 Time-Saving Hacks For Better BJJ Longevity

As life’s demands have built up, one thing I’ve struggled with is balancing BJJ training, strength & conditioning, and all of my other obligations.

If you’re a competitor, BJJ and S&C are your priority. When you’re a hobbyist, those things often take a back seat to what’s truly important.

The problem becomes, the older you get, the less you can neglect your mobility, strength, and resilience work.

As the risks of injury increase, so do the effects they can have on other parts of your life. You can no longer afford to be on the couch for 6 weeks or unable to provide for yourself or family.

But your resilience for jiu-jitsu doesn’t have to suffer because you have less time to train.

Here are 5 hacks I use to save time while building strength, mobility, and durability for the mat.

1. Stack Your Training

One of the biggest time demands is finding time each day to train.

If you broke up every aspect of your training from strength, energy systems, mobility, power, etc, PLUS your BJJ training, you’d have very little time or energy left for anything else.

I solve that by loading my strength and mobility work before my BJJ training.

This allows you to get your strength and resilience training while also warming your system for your BJJ session. This in itself will help prevent injuries, but also save time and build resilience.

I never do any kind of metabolic conditioning work in these sessions, but save that for the mats. We’ll cover why in a later hack.

A typical pre-BJJ training session usually lasts roughly 30 minutes, with a quick warmup followed by either strength or loaded mobility work.

If you’re really strapped for time you can get much of what you need done in the parking lot with a heavy kettlebell or club.

After this I feel prepped and ready to roll.

2. Train Loaded Mobility


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A favorite way to build strength and mobility at the same time is with loaded mobility training. This kind of training uses an external load combined with specific movements to increase your range of motion.

You not only develop strength and mobility, but strength at the end range, which is where you want it to help prevent injuries and enhance durability.

It’s also a fantastic way to prime your body for BJJ training.

A few of my favorite loaded mobility exercises are the Cossack Squat, Windmill, Get Up, Shin Box, and Shield Cast.

Loaded mobility is my go-to if I need a quick workout or am running late for class.

3. Use EMOMs

The EMOM workout isn’t just a good way to save time, but an effective way to work out. Set a timer to go off every minute and simply start a new set every minute.

This type of training has a way of keeping you dialed in to your workout without being distracted.

You can use it for strength training, power development, metabolic conditioning or even mobility work.

Two of my favorite ways to use EMOMs is for strength or power.

For strength, pick 3 exercises of opposing muscle groups. For example, Goblet Squat, Shoulder Press, and Pull Ups.

Choose a weight that allows you get 5 reps of each with 2 in reserve. Set the clock for 15 minutes and perform one exercise on each minute, resting after the 5 reps until the next minute.

This will give you enough time to recover for a strength effort by the time you get back to the first exercise.

For power, pick 2 exercises, for example, squat jumps and med ball slams.

Set the clock for 5 minutes and perform squat jumps for 10 seconds at max effort, then rest for the remaining 50 seconds before repeating 4 more times.

Take a 2:30 minute break, then repeat the same thing with the med ball slams.

EMOMs are an excellent way to ensure progress while saving time.

4. Use Isometrics

Isometric training is the ultimate time-saving, minimalist training hack. You can build functional strength and muscle for BJJ with isometrics in less than 10 minutes a day.

Isometrics involve max contractions against an unmoving resistance.

One very effective protocol is just one set of a 90 second hold. It’s called Time-Static Contraction and you ramp up to 100% effort over the 90 seconds.

The first 30 seconds is a 50% effort, the next 30 at 75%, and the last 30 is a full 100% effort.

Pick 4 or 5 exercises like a Wall Sit, Inverted Row, Push Up, and Table Bridge, hold each for 90 seconds, resting 30 seconds between and you’ll be done in less than 10 minutes.

Isometric strength is exactly the type of strength you want for effective BJJ.

5. Skip The Glycolytic Work

The final hack is more of a tip to save time than a training method.

Many people try to improve their gas tank for BJJ in the weight room. Think circuits, HIIT, metcons, and finishers.

If you are training BJJ regularly, you are already getting plenty of glycolytic work, which is your energy system that burns glucose for fuel.

Glycolysis is the least efficient and most costly energy system in terms of metabolic demand. It’s responsible for producing that muscle burning acid, which makes you feel like trash and also takes energy to clear out.

You’re better served developing your anaerobic, aka power, and aerobic energy systems in your off-the-mat training. These are cleaner burning and more efficient energy systems.

The power EMOM protocol above is an example of effective anaerobic training, and a long hike or slow jog on a recovery day will improve your aerobic system.

Save your valuable time, skip the metcons and HIIT circuits and get your glycolytic work on the mat.

Final Thoughts

At this age I’m trying to spend less time in the weight room and more time on the mat and doing things that are important.

With smart programming, exercise selection, and high-value training methods, you don’t need to sacrifice your time to get the physical qualities you need to remain strong, mobile, and resilient.

You can get even more bang for your buck by combining the hacks above for even more effective use of your time.

Try stacking a 15 minute loaded mobility EMOM before your next BJJ class, like any of the workouts in this program.

Or, hit a 5 minute power EMOM before 10 minutes of isometric work.

Aging and the responsibilities that seem to come with it doesn’t have to rob your fitness and resilience.

Just train smarter.


1. Start improving your BJJ durability and performance with the new Foundations of Rotational Strength.

2. Fortify your body for BJJ with this free course on the Grappler’s Get Up.

3. Apply for 1-on-1 coaching here.

4. Join the free weekly newsletter here.


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