IMPROVING LONGEVITY FOR GRAPPLERS 35+Improve total body mobility and strength for better injury resilience and grappling performance. START TRAINING RESILIENCE | MOBILITY | STRENGTH | ROTATIONAL MOVEMENT | JIU JITSU MOVEMENT PROGRAMSFREE COURSE: INTRO TO BJJ RESILIENCEBuild functional strength and resilience for jiu-jitsu and grappling with high-value minimalist methods. GET FREE ACCESS newsletter signupIMPROVE YOUR RESILIENCE HEREJoin thousands of grapplers who receive free content each week to fortify their bodies and improve performance. SUBSCRIBE I agree to the Privacy Policy.Leave this field empty if you're human: BlogLATEST ARTICLESDeep dives on methods to improve your resilience and performance for jiu-jitsu and longevity. Injury Prevention, Mobility, Newsletter, RecoveryThe Cumulative Injury Cycle: Why BJJ Destroys Your Body and How to Break Free Conditioning, Longevity, Newsletter, StrengthTry This BJJ Strength Aerobics Protocol For Better Grappling Performance Injury Prevention, Longevity, Mind, Newsletter, Recovery, Strength15 Valuable Lessons From 15 Years On The Path to Black Belt Load more
Injury Prevention, Mobility, Newsletter, RecoveryThe Cumulative Injury Cycle: Why BJJ Destroys Your Body and How to Break Free
Conditioning, Longevity, Newsletter, StrengthTry This BJJ Strength Aerobics Protocol For Better Grappling Performance
Injury Prevention, Longevity, Mind, Newsletter, Recovery, Strength15 Valuable Lessons From 15 Years On The Path to Black Belt